If you don’t know me yet, my name is Elaelah Harley and I’m a published author, novel editor, ex journalist and book enthusiast. I received my Bachelor of Media and Communications, Majoring in Journalism in 2018, and completed a Graduate Diploma of Editing and Publishing in 2020. I am most of the way through my Master of Editing and Publishing, of which my thesis evolves around access to visually impaired communities within the publishing sphere, however I plan to complete it in 2022.
After writing my debut novel A Plan to Save the World, I found I had a lot more time on my hands than I was used to. When I got home from work, if I decided I wasn’t ready to dive into writing a chapter of my next story in the works, I finally managed to pick up a book I was saving for a special occasion (or a more focused occasion, really) and read it cover to cover.
At the beginning of October, I finally finished reading the last of Amy McCulloch’s Potion Diaries series, leaving me free to venture into new, untouched works. After all, I’d created a TBR pile longer than my arms combined, especially with the emergence of BookTok - something I am heavily subjected to. I moved on to a fun one - The Folk of the Air series by Holly Black, and I was hooked from the first chapter.
During October I also made my way through Once There Were Wolves by Charlotte McConaghy, a dark one that had my mouth gaping. I realised I wanted to make this a habit, but I could only talk my boyfriend’s ear off so much before he wanted to read the stories too and therefore I had to stop myself from speaking spoilers.
So back to the present, here we are. It’s a dreary evening and I’m trying not to write my next novel before NaNoWriMo and I’ve somewhat committed myself to writing weekly updates for you. I hope you enjoy - I’d love for you to stick around!
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