Debut Author of A Plan to Save the World

NaNoWriMo Stopped My Reading Flow

Honesty hour! Now that I’m back working full-time, I’m sad to say that by staying on track with National Novel Writing Month’s daily word limits, it means my time for reading is almost nonexistent. How do people manage keeping a book club and participating in NaNoWriMo? Maybe it’s because I’m still a rookie in this writing challenge, and I’m yet to crack all of the secrets to super-powered efficiency. But despite my reading slump, I’m proud to make some announcements:

NaNoWriMo Word Count: 25K

This is it folks! I’m officially halfway through the National Novel Writing Challenge. I’ve further refined the direction for my story, so I hope I can enjoy pouring my creativity onto the page towards the end of the month, rather than panicking about where things are going next. In fact, having completed 23 chapters of my work in progress already, I’ve only got 10 to go before I finish writing this book entirely. Isn’t that insane? Of course, who knows if it’ll end up with 33 chapters by the time you see the final product sometime next year. There’s sure to be a LOT of chopping and changing.

If you have any questions about the NaNoWriMo challenge (or even about my story), don’t be scared to pop them in the comment section. 😊

Top Ten Best Seller of THREE Amazon Categories

For those who received my special edition email on Saturday, November 13, you’ll know that I just released my first book: A Plan to Save the World.

In just one day of sales, this book reached an exciting high on the charts! I was Top 10 in three categories!

This was a really great achievement for me, since I tried hard to accumulate first-day Amazon sales for a ranking specifically. If you’re thinking of adding A Plan to Save the World to your Goodreads TBR list, don’t forget to click the button below and follow me on there too! I love seeing what other books my readers are consuming!

Instagram Fun - Would You Rather Results

I’ve decided to start a weekly tradition to carry into each newsletter - and that’s gathering Bookish data from my friends on Instagram and displaying it for the world to see here. How fun?

Mystery or Romance?

65% Mystery | 35% Romance

Bookstore or Library?

73% Bookstore | 27% Library

Reading With or Without Music?

22% With | 78% Without

Morning Reader or Night Reader?

15% Morning | 85% Night

Mini Reviews or Lengthy Reviews?

73% Mini | 27% Lengthy

The Break Down

  • While Romance is the world-winning genre in terms of general favourite choice, Mystery was chosen. This makes sense when considering the demographic following my Instagram, as well as the stigma around admitting you like reading about people kissin’. Just pick Romance next time - I won’t judge.

  • Capitalism wins here folks - a clear majority of voters enjoyed being in the presence of a bookstore over a library. I would definitely side with the winning vote here too. There’s simply nothing like strolling through your favourite bookstore with money to spend… It’s even better if there’s a cafe!

  • Another clear winner for music choice. Most people prefer reading without blasting tunes. I’m a bit of both kinda gal, but I can definitely empathise with those who find it distracting.

  • The only way I can understand the mentality of morning readers is if it’s a weekend or you don’t have morning job commitments. Any other reason? You’re waking up too early! Fortunately, night reading was the majority here.

  • News is out - people prefer short-form reviews much more than they prefer long-form. Some folks simply don’t want to hunt to know whether or not they should read a story. However, I believe the small percentage on the other side might prefer long-form for the simple notion of reliving their favourite stories through another person’s eyes. I’m guilty of this one - I’ll often read reviews of books I’ve already read, just to get an update on the general consensus of how that story was perceived.

This was pretty cool!

If you’re the minority in any of these answers, I’d love to know the reasoning behind your choices. Otherwise, to take part in the next story survey, follow me here.

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