Debut Author of A Plan to Save the World

Welcome to the Book Club

If you don’t know me yet, my name is Elaelah Harley and I’m a published author, novel editor, ex journalist and book enthusiast. I received my Bachelor of Media and Communications, Majoring in Journalism in 2018, and completed a Graduate Diploma of Editing and Publishing in 2020. I am most of the way through my Master of Editing and Publishing, of which my thesis evolves around access to visually impaired communities within the publishing sphere, however I plan to complete it in 2022.

After writing my debut novel A Plan to Save the World, I found I had a lot more time on my hands than I was used to. When I got home from work, if I decided I wasn’t ready to dive into writing a chapter of my next story in the works, I finally managed to pick up a book I was saving for a special occasion (or a more focused occasion, really) and read it cover to cover.

At the beginning of October, I finally finished reading the last of Amy McCulloch’s Potion Diaries series, leaving me free to venture into new, untouched works. After all, I’d created a TBR pile longer than my arms combined, especially with the emergence of BookTok - something I am heavily subjected to. I moved on to a fun one - The Folk of the Air series by Holly Black, and I was hooked from the first chapter.

During October I also made my way through Once There Were Wolves by Charlotte McConaghy, a dark one that had my mouth gaping. I realised I wanted to make this a habit, but I could only talk my boyfriend’s ear off so much before he wanted to read the stories too and therefore I had to stop myself from speaking spoilers.

So back to the present, here we are. It’s a dreary evening and I’m trying not to write my next novel before NaNoWriMo and I’ve somewhat committed myself to writing weekly updates for you. I hope you enjoy - I’d love for you to stick around!



The release date is finally here! Since announcing my book in August, I've been overwhelmed with support and the ever-reoccurring question: When's the book coming out?

Usually this question has set me into a hot panic, because I wouldn't know what answer to give... but not today. I've officially finalised all of my documents, the cover and set up my Amazon page, as well as an Amazon presale! 


With this presale, you'll be the first to receive a copy of the Amazon eBook as soon as November 13 arrives. All you need to do is click the kindle option and add it to your cart.

Q: What if I don't have a Kindle?
A: Don't worry! Kindle is simply Amazon's branding. My book copy is an ePub file, while will work on any device. To access it securely, you might have to download the FREE Kindle application at worst. 

I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on my brand new story, and don't forget to post a review once you've given it a read! 

Elaelah x


I thought I might introduce what's happening here, as I've kept this project close to my chest for quite a while.

I've always been obsessed with writing - it was one of the reasons I pursued my early career in Journalism before moving on to the Editing and Publishing industry.

This year marked a pretty big milestone for me. After starting and ditching many creative stories, I finally finished writing my first book. Over 60,000 words, at that!

My soon-to-be-published book 'A Plan to Save the World' is a fun mix of mystery and romance, and one that I'm so excited for you to check out when it's ready. The story has just gone through an extensive edit with a professional writer and editor. Now, it's off with Griffin Press to get printed!

I'd love for you to follow along with my publishing journey while I share as many progress updates as I can. 

Thank you kindly for sticking around this far,
Elaelah x